The Donosti Cup implements an application to encourage Fair Play
The Fair Play Award winner team will receive a reproduction of the work “Bikaina XVI” by Eduardo Chillida. In addition, Rural Kutxa will award monetary prizes of 2,000, 500, and 300 euros to the three teams with the best fair play.
The Donosti Cup has developed an application that allows the evaluation of coaches, players, and fans in each match to promote fair play and prevent incidents in the tournament.
This initiative is part of a comprehensive program designed to instill values of respect and positive sporting behavior. The new application will allow the organization's staff to rate the participating teams on a scale of 0 to 5, focusing the evaluation on coaches, players, and fans. This system will be implemented in over 2,250 matches scheduled during the Donosti Cup 2024, in which 900 teams will participate.
The program seeks to prevent incidents and raise public awareness among all the agents involved in the tournament, especially the young athletes and their families. It includes phases of prevention, evaluation, and an intervention protocol.
To reinforce this commitment, a code of conduct will be developed to establish basic rules of behavior and sanctions. This code will be published on the tournament website and on social networks before the start of the competition. In addition, an awareness campaign will be launched on social networks during the month prior to the tournament, highlighting the importance of respect and empathy in sport.
An exceptional award
This year, the Fair Play Award-winning team will receive a reproduction of Eduardo Chillida's “Bikaina XVI”, commemorating the centenary of the sculptor and former footballer's birth. In addition, the three most sporty teams will receive monetary prizes of 2,000, 500 and 300 euros, respectively, donated by Rural Kutxa for the purchase of sports equipment.